Our Pastor – Rev. Vangie Chavez
I am a native New Mexican who loves this great “Land of Enchantment,” and for the past 30+ years, I have had a passion and a calling to minister to and on behalf of God’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community; at Rising Sun Christian Community, I get to do just that!
I am thrilled to be serving in this awesome, loving, and passionate community of believers, where together, we strive to let the light of Christ shine in and through us, and take that out to our community.
Of course, I could not do this work without the support and partnership of my beautiful and amazing wife, Traci Chavez, who knows all too well the challenges of being a “Pastor’s Wife.”
I remain grateful to God for this wonderful place of worship and invite you to give us a try!
Board of Directors
Theresa Parlante
(Vice Moderator)
I am a lifelong resident of Albuquerque and have always attended church since childhood. It provided a solid foundation for me but I always knew there was more.

Vicki White (Secretary)
My name is Vicki White, and I am a native Alaskan but raised in New Mexico. I have attended church my entire life. I taught Sunday school for 3 years when my children were.
Amelia Juarez
I took early retirement in 2016 and during the 20 years at my job I worked every Sunday. I had attended different churches in my past but never had the feeling that I truly belonged

Adam Agosto
I was raised in New York and spent my summers with my grandfather in Puerto Rico. I was truly blessed to have a close family, the youngest of eight children.
Becky McFarland
Becky was raised in Virginia and moved to New Mexico as a teenager. I have attended numerous churches along the way and always pursued open acceptance as a member of the LGBTQ community.

Rachel Wills
I was raised in West Virginia, but after retiring from military/government service I relocated to New Mexico and have called Albuquerque home for the past two years.
Decon Paula Gonzales
(Board of Elders)
I’ve had a love for God and his son Jesus Christ since I was a little girl. I spent many years being religious and “Playing Church.” When I was 31 years old, I was a single


Mary Ann Rich (Activities Director)

Patti Bucklew (Worship Coordinator)

Arlynn Collard (Childrens Ministry)

CeeC Aragon (Audio/Video Coordinator)
Audio Video Teams

Cali and Louie Rummler

Laura Ibarbo and Theresa Parlante